Scrapping vehicles
Scrapping a vehicle is no problem!
We are an authorised vehicle dismantling centre specialising in the scrapping of:
- Lorries, trucks, trailers, buses, vans, bulldozers, tractors, etc.
- Cars
- Motorbikes
- Mopeds
We carry out the paperwork for cancellation at the P.R.A. Our dismantling centre is authorised with the ACI identification code ‘D01600’, entrusted to a car wrecking centre with proven experience.
Our staff is at your disposal to provide assistance.
Home collection
You cannot deliver your vehicle to the dismantling centre!
We can arrange for your vehicle to be picked up at your home, as the company is equipped with authorised vehicles according to current regulations.
Your end-of-life vehicle may have a value
We evaluate recently registered wrecked cars, send us photos to 3342451161 and you will receive an evaluation from our specialised staff.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for information on vehicle dismantling. 3342451161
Would you like to book the collection of your vehicle for scrapping? Fill in the form.
Contact us to receive information

F.lli Ciotti srl is authorised and specialised in vehicle scrapping:
Lorries, trucks, trailers, buses, vans, bulldozers, tractors, cars, motorbikes, scooters, etc.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any of your vehicle demolition needs
We take care of everything! Collection from your home with authorised vehicles, handling of paperwork for deregistration at the P.R.A.
We evaluate recently registered wrecked cars.
You provide the documentation and the vehicle, we take care of the rest
For the scrapping of your vehicle, you must hand over the following documents:
- registration certificate or ownership certificate
- vehicle registration certificate
- copy of valid vehicle owner’s identity document
- if the owner is not present to sign, a power of attorney with authorisation is required to carry out the disposal on his/her behalf
Scrapping may also be carried out by a person not in the vehicle’s name. You need a:
- copy of registration certificate
- holder and/or consignee-delegate document (identity card or driving licence)
proxy form [P02] Download it here
- Certificate of ownership or supplement sheet
- Registration certificate
- Legal representative and/or administrator document
- Ewner and/or consignee-delegate document (identity card or driving licence)
- If the owner is not present to sign, a power of attorney with authorisation is required to carry out the disposal on his/her behalf
Scrapping may be carried out ONLY by a direct heir of the deceased person
- Complementary document or certificate of ownership
- Registration certificate
- Copy of valid identity document of heir
- P.R.A. heir form
pdf Download here the model for Heirs [P03]
pdf Download here the Proxy form [P02]